So I have met a boy. >=)
And I have been using magical thinking.
These combined.
With all that I desire, work, education, living life.
I shall let myself receive them.
Machine Gun Fellatio
Voices in my Head
Love you all,
Impy C.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Frustration Celebration
Over here watching out for my girl and she goes and fucks with my messenger, talkin' shit. What the fuck?!
Listening to Department of Corruptionz by Sloe, my bro, RIP love :) LYLAB!
Ugh, this fuckin dog jus took a shit or farted or something, eeeegh!!!
Hes harmless
as he drags her remains through the halls
hes completely sane
as he removes the human suit and makes her what she was meant to be
hes so religious
as he douses her in fuel and makes the prayers right
And when he goes trolling
hes harmless as he picks out the one with least morale
Hes touching
as he slides the needle into the main vein
Its almost intimate
as he slides her into the back of his van.
And its a lovely site
When she watches her intestines slowly being removed.
Love ya homes =)
Imp C
Listening to Department of Corruptionz by Sloe, my bro, RIP love :) LYLAB!
Ugh, this fuckin dog jus took a shit or farted or something, eeeegh!!!
Hes harmless
as he drags her remains through the halls
hes completely sane
as he removes the human suit and makes her what she was meant to be
hes so religious
as he douses her in fuel and makes the prayers right
And when he goes trolling
hes harmless as he picks out the one with least morale
Hes touching
as he slides the needle into the main vein
Its almost intimate
as he slides her into the back of his van.
And its a lovely site
When she watches her intestines slowly being removed.
Love ya homes =)
Imp C
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Contemplating jogging right now. At three o'clock in the morning.
Listening to Deftones. If I go I'll take Shawna's IPod and just go. I need to work off this fat. I also need to do some reps with the ten lb weights.
Going to call PetCo today and tell them I am more than willing to be trained for any open position. Or to just think of me when they are hiring.
Got a date for the test. July 10th is the Orientation, and when I pay. Then I test on either the 14th or 15 or July, from 7:30AM - 4:00PM. They better let me have a fuckin' book or I am going to go insane sitting there.
I really hope I get lucky and pass the first time.
Got yelled at earlier for having Smirnoff around Shawna and Modelo. Bfd. What the fuck ever.
Better here with me, than somewhere else with others.
I want my man.
I miss sex :(
Fuckin' Hell am I a mess...
Imp C
Listening to Deftones. If I go I'll take Shawna's IPod and just go. I need to work off this fat. I also need to do some reps with the ten lb weights.
Going to call PetCo today and tell them I am more than willing to be trained for any open position. Or to just think of me when they are hiring.
Got a date for the test. July 10th is the Orientation, and when I pay. Then I test on either the 14th or 15 or July, from 7:30AM - 4:00PM. They better let me have a fuckin' book or I am going to go insane sitting there.
I really hope I get lucky and pass the first time.
Got yelled at earlier for having Smirnoff around Shawna and Modelo. Bfd. What the fuck ever.
Better here with me, than somewhere else with others.
I want my man.
I miss sex :(
Fuckin' Hell am I a mess...
Imp C
Friday, June 5, 2009
Sloe and Ro Ro

Listening to music by Sloe(Griff R.I.P bro). Such sweet boys. :( Miss ya Ro, miss ya Griff....
Uncle Ro Ro is still alive and well. Griffin is his half brother. Griffin passed away last December. He is my nieces father, he was like my brother. Miss that motherfucker :)
Anyway, the music is so good. Ro Ro has some real talent here. It's amazing.
I'm thinking of all the things I want, what I want to do, become. It seems overwhelming, but the good thing is I know it's all possible. Within my grasp.
I feel like exerting energy. Once this high wears off I'll go jogging. I shall take Crystal's IPod.
Lacey found half of another pack of Turkish Silvers :). Yay for cancer in a box!
Now Sloe is playin'. Love this motherfucker! I so miss ya dude!
He sounds almost like Eminem, but a sense. And crazy beats, that I do believe he made himself. :)
Miss my bros. Ro Ro's in CA I believe, or OR. Gotta see that fucker again soon. We had fun. We certainly put the fun in funeral. :|
I shall include a pic of Ro Ro and Griff!
Imp C
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Missing Lost Ones

Here are two things written by Griffin Geisler, the only two things he wrote on his myspace blog. Love ya soo much Griff, miss ya dude :(
all accused are assured an arrainment,all addicted addicts arnt anything but an aquanttence,all affected adolecsence are anxious,awaiting an arrangement,build big basements,before bushes bombs blow,before bloody breathless bodys become burried below,bassicaly behold between battling balence, cats chill casually certainly creating challenge,definatly dark demons demonstrate demise,days demand dollars demented documents descibed,embrace extermination everyones evaperating,emancipating existence everyones evacuating.............fuck i cant spell
It is not the critic who counts,not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena;whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;who strives valiantly;who errs and comes up short again and again;who knows the great enthusiasms,the great devotions,and spends himself in a worthy cause;who knows in the end the triumph of high achievements;and who at the worst,if he fails,at least fails while daring greatly;so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who no neither defeat or victory..............peace
Griffin was basically my bro. When he came and visited Kaylie and Lacey, me and him smoked some California Love. Good shit. He'd always been a good guy, even when he was at his worst. And he got pretty bad. Life was tough on him. Yet he fuckin resisted and went his own way, making family along the way. Everyone loved him, there was no way you couldn't. Right now I miss that motherfucker. Hope I can somehow manage to visit him. That's all I can manage.
Imp C
Brother of mine.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
At Ms Heathcocks

^not friend im with, good friend from the UK variety^
Chillin me best friend.
Tired but want to speak someone before sleep takes me. Where is he?
Taken some somas, smoked 8 cigarettes tonight. Not getting any better.
Going to call PetCo tomorrrow.
Ms. H and I have agreed to go to the U.K and Australia in a couple years. We'll open a savings account where we will both put in money. Cannot wait.
I will also start saving for other things of course. Though first I will have to take care of some immediate things.
Anyway, hope this fucker signs on soon.
I still have this old flame going in my heart. Sucks....feel so strongly and wanting so badly. It can be painful.
I cut myself some more today. Which means if I do go into an interview I need a long sleeved jacket. I have one I think would work.
I have good feelings about this PetCo business. I think it will come full circle.
Also think Imma come back over here tomorrow after going by and getting litter and changing cats. Prolly bring webcam over as well. Fuck it.
I want to talk to Sonic ;(
Why is it so hard to get over obsessions?
Feel dizzy. Soma will do that to you. Cannot believe that shit is legal. Where is my buddy? :(
Hes super cuuuuute. In my humble opinion.
newho, guess ill ramble elsewhere
love you all, my love my love
Imp C
Monday, June 1, 2009
All my Hate Cannot be Found
SO....IF I go to AUS later this year, I will be seeing two people. One whom I've know since I was 12 or 13, first internet BUDDY. The other is someone I've known for a little over a year, I believe. Good friend, lots in common, etc., etc.,
I am gonna try to save up a bit by then. The plan seems to be to stay with said latter friend(we will call him friend B) for about two weeks. Then I would find a place to stay near other friend hopefully for a week or so, whatever I can manage at the time.
The good thing about this is it is something I actually care about so I will actually put away money. I have 8 people who I shan't deny souvenirs. I am such an obsessive bastard.
If this plan doesn't flourish, won't I be red? =O. All the money would simply go into my savings and I'd continue until I could afford my own shite. We will see hows it goes.
Well, since I cannot study til elder brother gets home, I will smoke now so I wont be fidgety later. I play Chrono Cross til he get hooome.
Love yas!
imp C
I am gonna try to save up a bit by then. The plan seems to be to stay with said latter friend(we will call him friend B) for about two weeks. Then I would find a place to stay near other friend hopefully for a week or so, whatever I can manage at the time.
The good thing about this is it is something I actually care about so I will actually put away money. I have 8 people who I shan't deny souvenirs. I am such an obsessive bastard.
If this plan doesn't flourish, won't I be red? =O. All the money would simply go into my savings and I'd continue until I could afford my own shite. We will see hows it goes.
Well, since I cannot study til elder brother gets home, I will smoke now so I wont be fidgety later. I play Chrono Cross til he get hooome.
Love yas!
imp C

Listening to Insane by Eminem, lovely album....lost it this morning, forgot I'd put it in my computer....oi bay.
Great album, very awesome. Listening to Tonya skit and then Same ol Song and Dance, great fuckin' c.d.
"You're a rockstar, everybody wants you, who could really blame you? We're the ones who made you!" Lovely little diddy.
I have not had enough coffee yet....We are running quite low :(.
Mum got back from the diet Dr. I am listening to her Eminem c.d, and she shrieks at me six times(I did not hear her due to the loudness of my music) to ask if I liked the c.d. -_- Well no, Mum, I hate it, I blare it like this so I can become immune to shitty music. Oi.....
Me and my sis Lacey are hanging out a bit more, I am glad she's no longer with her bf, he was quite a douche.
Okay, right quick, my light keeps coming on and off....ghosts? O.O
Anyway, we went "power walking"(?) yesterday. Hate walking around my neighborhood but imma keep doing it because I've gained about (GASP) twenty fucking pounds I want rid of! I am aboot 5'4 or 5'5, I don't mind weighing 135-140, but right now I am at motherfuckin 154 lbs ><
I have already stopped eating so much, I limit to a few items a day and subsist on coffee, cigarettes, and the occasional snack a doodle.
Anyway, Gotta keep running, and before I take a shower I'll do some 10 lb reps. I always do those like crazy. I refuse to be a flabby armed bastard :)
So anyway....I need to go over Adventure 1(I have not thought of a proper name :) ) And rewrite anything that could be better. I enjoy doing this, I always have something to add in.
So where I left off I was describing the meeting of the main female character and a male character named Brahmer. Bound to be fun. I am gonna go and work on it now, then study a bit. Afterwards I'll post and see what I can show ya.
Love love love
Imp C
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