Listening to music by Sloe(Griff R.I.P bro). Such sweet boys. :( Miss ya Ro, miss ya Griff....
Uncle Ro Ro is still alive and well. Griffin is his half brother. Griffin passed away last December. He is my nieces father, he was like my brother. Miss that motherfucker :)
Anyway, the music is so good. Ro Ro has some real talent here. It's amazing.
I'm thinking of all the things I want, what I want to do, become. It seems overwhelming, but the good thing is I know it's all possible. Within my grasp.
I feel like exerting energy. Once this high wears off I'll go jogging. I shall take Crystal's IPod.
Lacey found half of another pack of Turkish Silvers :). Yay for cancer in a box!
Now Sloe is playin'. Love this motherfucker! I so miss ya dude!
He sounds almost like Eminem, but good....in a sense. And crazy beats, that I do believe he made himself. :)
Miss my bros. Ro Ro's in CA I believe, or OR. Gotta see that fucker again soon. We had fun. We certainly put the fun in funeral. :|
I shall include a pic of Ro Ro and Griff!
Imp C
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